For any questions, commissions, or projects, you can contact me below or send me an email at
Most of my illustrations are available as signed, high quality prints on my shop.
ione Larrañaga studied Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid. Later, she completed a Master's in Illustration and Comic at Elisava in Barcelona. Since returning to her hometown in the Basque Country, she has been dedicated to freelance illustration work and murals undertaking projects related to editorial illustration, advertising, poster design, and various other commissions. Her interests extend beyond the artistic realm, encompassing areas such as activism and agroecology.
02/2024 Collective Exhibition. "Green Open Gallery", at the Jardín Botánico, Madrid.
01/2024 Collective Exhibition, finalist in the Happiness/Unhappiness contest by Makma Magazine. Museo Valencià de la Il·lustració i de la Modernitat (MUVIM), Valencia
2023 Collective Exhibition / Erakusketa Kolektiboa – «Euskal Irudigileak, 20th Anniversary».
Juntas Generales (Bilbao).
09/2023 Individual Exhibition "ERALDATU"
Taproom Bidassoa, Irun
08/2023 Collective Exhibition "INCREDIBILIS ANIMALIBUS"
O! Gallery, Porto, Portugal
12/2023 “MAZOKA”
Montehermoso Cultural Center. Water Tank. Vitoria, Spain.
07/2022 Exhibition "ERALDATU" Managed by KATAPULTA at Zelai Arizti Kultur Gunea, Zumarraga, Gipuzkoa.
12/2021 Collective Exhibition “TXEPETX“, “Beca Sormenaren Kabia“
Fagus, Alkiza, Gipuzkoa
10/2021 Scholarship, “Sormenaren Kabia“
Alkiza, Gipuzkoa.
04/2021 “17 ODS, 17 Miradas” Collective Exhibition
Ca la Vila, Llíria, Valencia.
01/2021 Individual Exhibition,
Burugorri Ostatua, Itziar, Deba, Gipuzkoa.
11/2020 “MAZOKA”
Montehermoso Cultural Center. Water Tank. Vitoria, Spain.
10/2020 “Tiempo“ Collective Exhibition,
Curated by Arteuparte Gallery, Tabacalera, Donosti.
07/2020 “Proyecto 12+1”
Contorno Urbano Foundation, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Barcelona.
07/2019 Collective Exhibition,
Stripart Festival, Barcelona.
07/2019 “IRAGANKORRA“ Exhibition,
Aitz Garbi, Antzuola, Gipuzkoa
10/2018 Collective Exhibition,
TOC Hostels & Suites Barcelona.
01/2018 Exhibition,
Aitz Garbi, Antzuola, Gipuzkoa.
07/2017 Collective Exhibition, "Elisava"
Cromo Gallery, Barcelona.
07/2017 Collective Exhibition
Elisava University, Barcelona.
06/2014 “VIBO”,
Live Action. Madrid.